
Chipsolve ensures that your design gets to the market on time, while preserving a high quality manufacturing process:

  • Novel perspectives on core development of chipsets with mechanisms for reuse and efficiency deeply ingrained in our practice
  • Clear and precise planning process to accommodate logical and functional modular reusability for highly productive chipsets
  • Integration at the level of hardware and software to open up endless possibilities in reuse and reusability and ensure high quality verification
  • Deep integration of modularity and reusability throughout the SoC verification process to ensure high functional coverage and reduce overall effort involved in the verification process.
  • Reusability of core components ensures testing efforts can be channelized towards novel aspects of design, thereby cutting down on manufacturing time and time-to-market

By allowing reusability driven by integration, Chipsolve ensures that your chipsets function in perfect balance and your investment has guaranteed returns right form the start.